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Hey Tati
You O.K. dudette???
Whatre you up to?
listening to music.
What's the music?
here's buzzcut season by lorde. reminds me of this place a little.
Yeah!! I mean, I think the song's talking about something rad, but this place just SUCKS.
yea i guess i felt it represented it better back when. um
Oh totally.
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this one's alphabet boy by melanie martinez. reminds me of thomas a bit lol
HA! Bad poetry's pretty killer.
right? lol
Dunno if he's, uh, congealed enough to count as a prince of our playground. Though I haven't really talked to him before.
idk he barely registers my existence. ok here's money, power, glory by lana del rey.
Damn. I mean that's kind of fucked, right? That's like ticking off the boxes of everything that leads to corruption in our society. & this chick is singing about wanting that?
Like, she's not helping anyone but herself.
well she's being sarcastic about it. like she's so bitter about it. it's all she C A N want in the patriarchy. so she wants power within that. what else is she supposed to do?
Well isn't that selfish?
well i like the c o n t r o l she has. and she understands sometimes you have to play the long game
act w e a k
fool them
she wouldn't be able to take them for all that they've got unless they underestimate her first
Sooo you think we should just take other people's shit?
for the moment yes
Until when?!
when they least expect it
Ummm sure totally....
Well hows that working out for you??
Ok like in life. When you were "playing the long game"
Do they remember anything about you??
Cuz they sure dont remember much about me.
But in the newspaper
I had a lil column in the university newspaper
When they declared me "Missing"
When they declared me "Dead"
They said I had a strong spirit, was kind, confident, outspoken , and creative.
strong spirit
What did they say about you?
so if you were so much more important than me
is that why you were l o n e l y?
is that why only your parents grieved you?
I was part of something bigger. Doesn't matter if no one grieved me, as long as my art helped out my community.
so your community doesn't give a shit about you
i'm different. bigger. a sun burning empty air in space
O.K., sad chick.
You're telling me there's something beyond this
Beyond what you put on for people.
That underneath all that you're really fucking special
But how would they know that if you never show anyone?
what are you talking about
I'm just sayin like......with the others in here.
I know I'm just naturally more confrontational
But if you backed me up
If you backed me up, I'd have your back too.
i don't need your pity
Between you and me, Zeke treated you like trash. He was a jerk. Ok???
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You take too much shit, Tati.
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